Starlite Sales and Rentals

Contact us today at 403-258-3575 or e-mail us

2024 Store Hours & Location

We are located at 535 36th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G1W5 (See "How to find us" below for detailed directions)
Rental Shop and Storefront (Behind Cabin Brewery)
535 36th Ave SE, Calgary T2G 1W5

Regular Hours

Tuesday to Friday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday: 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Sunday & Monday - CLOSED

Upcoming holiday closures:

How to find us

Starlite Sales & Rentals Ltd is located in the middle building of the Manchester Business Park. When traveling eastbound on 36th Avenue from Macleod Trail, turn right at the driveway into Cabin Brewing Company and DWA, and keep going straight to the second building. Our rental access and loading doors are visible once you turn into the driveway access. Pull up outside the bay doors and come on in! CLICK HERE